Monday, September 28, 2009

The purple flannel shirt was a great idea.

As 5 o clock neared on Friday my excitement grew. About 24 hours later I had the realization that I was in the perfect place at the perfect time and this weekend, although a brief escape, was just where I needed to be.

Kelsey and I boarded the train around 7pm on Friday night. We had so many bags, most of which were mine, but I had pillows, sleeping bags, a tent, games.. I literally sat down took a deep breath of relief to be situated and hoped up and headed to the dining car to get some beers. The last meal both of us had was lunch so I felt pretty good. We talked about a lot of stuff, catching each other up on our lives and talking about some pretty deep stuff, New Orleans and Katrina for like 45 minutes.. There was this kid to the right of us writing on a piece of paper, Kelsey found it later and we read it, probably one of the funniest things ever. He talked about all the people around him on the train and was like the people to the right of me are drunk and talking to no end. (That's me and Kelsey) ahahahhah. I want to scan it because it was just TOO funny! When I went down to the cafe car there were a bunch of guys getting drunk so when the cafe attendant made his announcement about coming down to the cafe car they were all screaming in the background. He had such a hard time trying to make the announcement I was dying. Next time I go on a train I'm going right to the dinning car, everyone has a good time down there. So we got to LA with ten minutes to get to our bus. Hustled there with all the bags and then sat on a 2 hour bus ride for 4 hours! OMFG I wanted to die. I still can't find my ipod so I was stuck on a dark bus with really nothing. I can't fall asleep on moving things either so I suffered from major boredom for a good portion of the trip. BIG thanks to Kelsey for sharing her ipod with me and dancing with me.

We ended up in SB after 1am. Me trying to teach Kelsey the time step so we could do some soft shoe for tips on the street. Judy and Viv finally got us and we headed to Viv's to pick up some stuff and then to Jack in the Crack to get some grub, we were starving. We literally laughed the entire way to camp. "I've been burglarized!!" Viv's story was SO great. We arrived at camp after 2am and it was gorgeous. The sky was really dark and we had this cool rock formation right next to camp. I climbed up there and stared at the stars, it was overwhelming almost. I could see the milky way... I haven't seen the milky way in years. We sat by the fire until after 4am and then crawled into bed. I was woken up by the "CEO" of camp telling us to be quiet that night because we were too loud.. Ok. The next night there were kids running around and screaming until like midnight, but us talking wasn't ok? whatever. We had breakfast and headed towards the closest body of water, it was HOT on Saturday. We went for a hike, got totally lost but eventually found our way back to the water which felt electric. It was so warm and I was so overheated that the cool water was inviting yet shocking at the same time. We watched crazy people jump off rocks into the water and I saw a lady with a fake bellybutton.. the water was muddy. Judy played music for us and we saved like 10 lady bugs from drowning. It was so nice and refreshing we stayed there for a while and then headed back for a late lunch. There's something to be said about camp food. It always tastes amazing, even though you know it sucks at home. I don't know if it's the fact that we all made it together, or that we had cold wine, or that we were just starving from hiking and swimming for hours.. after lunch Jenny, Kelz, Viv and I headed to the general store, which is apparently the hopping spot there and then we found this perfect little off shoot of the river and went swimming again and laid in the shade and talked for a while. I wanted a inner tube so bad so I could just laze around out there.. all they had at the store was floaties. We played games and made some grilled cheese and tomato soup for dinner. It was nice to just be around nature, not think about anything, and get away for a little while. Sunday was the pack up, hang at Judy's, and walk around downtown SB. We almost missed the train going home though.. which was more eventful than the train coming up. Playing scrabble, running into people who's son we knew and LA Union station's eccentric group of crazies.

Bleg. I've said too much already. But it's not like people want to hear a play by play anyways.
I don't know how to explain times like these. Like those holes everyone has inside them, that they try and fill with things, like drugs, alchohol, relathionships, just outside forces.. like I'm filling those holes with my own experiences. Like I'm filling myself up, making myself a little more complete, my own entity and damn if it doesn't feel that much better..

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