Monday, September 14, 2009

It's a train wreck, you've got me on the wrong track honey.

Okay, I've been blogging non stop lately, this will be my last one for a while but I have so many thoughts filling up my head I need to empty them somewhere. My real journal is being neglected again so I need to reclaim it, plus I don't have to have a filter there either :o

I stayed up till almost four in the morning so I could finish "Go Ask Alice" more because I started disliking it and want to read something else. Even me, who believed gullible wasn't in the dictionary at one point in my life, started to see the fabrication that novel was. Half way through I looked up the truth to it's validity as a true account of someone's journal. Turns out some Mormon psychologist wrote it... .... .... the ending was just pathetic. I'm past the impressionable teens, I know drugs are bad, I don't need this piece of blatant propaganda. My sister gave me a ton of books to read from her collection but I still have others I want to get to first.

Besides the book review I do have some notes on the vma's, one thing in particular. Lady Gaga's performance. Like I've said before, not a huge fan of the pop scene, I didn't watch the vma's but I did take a moment to check out her performance on youtube. It took me a while to warm up to miss Gaga, but over time her insanely bizarre tactics and disregard for the norm has warn on me. I think she is fantastic in a way because she really doesn't give a shit and does what she wants. When blood started spewing from her stomach in the middle of the performance I was like yes! Now I can definitely pull her off as my Halloween costume. hah.

That's all my social commentation for today. For a while. I don't think many people read this so it's more of a rant for myself. Family game night was fun and filling, we had sopas, belated b-day cake and played pictionary per my request. Probably won't be playing it again.. then we played a couple games of Uno. Walked Buddy, okay got pulled around by Buddy and made some plans to visit my Uncle in SD for a art gallery walk next weekend :) Trying to start my healthy eating today, so far only fruits and veggies, going to Bikram FINALLY tonight and meeting up with Ang for some veggie soup and netflix after. I'm getting more and more excited for Santa Barbara and getting the gang together again, I know I'll be laughing non stop.

Still waiting for things to fall back into place, feels like I've been a bit off lately, not my normally cheery self. Someone told me they were just breathing and not living, in which I replied, stop breathing and start living.. doesn't make much sense, or does it?

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