Sunday, November 29, 2009

A lil' Drunk Bloggin :D

So yeah.  In the face of adversity.  Life is good.

I read once that people who win the lottery, their lives will change for about six months, then go back to the normal lives they basically had.  If they were drunks, they continued to drink, if depressed, they slipped back into that depression, if they were happy go lucky, they fell back into their awesome groove.  Basically a big change in their lives really didn't alter it all that much..  something to chew on I guess.

I've been enjoying my four day weekend and spending a lot of time with my family since my sister will be in the Caribbean for most of Christmas break and we've been having a blast together.  Today we drove around and blasted old school Elton John and ran errands and tonight we put on fucking Bing Crosby, cooked up a storm and invited my grandma over for dinner.  My mom made amazing turkey soup in our crock pot and Dawn and I whipped up the best mac & cheese of my life.  We had that and some redunk fruit salad.  Afterwords we watched Meet Me in St. Louis... if you haven't seen that movie I'd highly advise it.. seriously SO GOOD.  It was so nice to just actually spend time with the family tonight, and on Thanksgiving.  Yesterday Dawn and I went and watched a ton of awesome bands too, which was great.  I dunno what I'm trying to say anymore.  I guess that I'm in a great mood and wanted to share it.  I think that even when things get rough I'm proud of myself for my ability to laugh and keep going.  All I have to do is pop in Hercules and sing along hahahah.  Tomorrow will mark the 30 day countdown until NYC and I'm SOOOOOOOOOO very excited to get to spend New Years in time square!  Dude, in retrospect 2009 has been one of the greatest years of my life!  I've traveled to San Francisco three times, Costa Rica, Santa Cruz, Vegas, LA, and now New York.. I trained and ran a full marathon, that's 26.2 miles.  I laughed, I lost, I won, I cried, I was in two articles in the paper.. so fuck the petty things.  I knew this year was going to be spectacular, I knew it even as I sat there miserable and sick as the clock struck midnight,  and it was, it was everything I could ask for and more.  I can only hope that 2010 lives up to it's predecessor.  Alright enough of this parrot bay and Dr. Pepper rambling, I'm watching the end of Eternal Sunshine and going to bed. :P

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Zeze the X

Things that make me happy:

learning to play the piano
drive in car washes
mac & cheese
laying on my floor
music that matches your mood
tasty real beer
running down hills
strange films
a comfy bed
dancing in my room
writing letters
board games
seeing a band you love love love live
hot caramel apple cider
inside jokes
big words
making strange scenarios up
my sisters
taking that first step into a new place
weird intelligent people
night hikes
tiny disco balls
genuine smiles
bike rides through the city
random awkward funny things
learning something new
pineapple pizza parties
twisted novels

and that's.
that's what I'm thankful for.

Happy Shanks Giving.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Star light. Star bright.

I don't know if it's the lack of sleep.. or that I ended up watching another sunrise, but I'm not feeling so good.
Mind or body.

I think I just need some real sleep and I'll feel better but I definitely have that dragging my feet in the sand mentality today. I guess laying on the pavement yesterday looking up at the stars got me thinking about a lot and I was having a total mind warp. Those moments when you start to close in on the borders of what you can and cannot fathom.. I felt like a magnet stuck on the refrigerator of Earth looking out into infinity. I didn't see as much as I wanted but I did catch a handful of quite amazing shooting stars, they were vibrant with purples and blues and I had an amazing view of the entire city. It was a really reflective evening.. so maybe that's why I'm feeling so blegh this morning, self confidence never comes easy for me. Man, I feel like all I do is bitch. In all honesty it's fun to bitch every once in a while but I'm a pretty happy go lucky person for the most part :) Actually I find a lot of the troubles in my life quite hilarious, even some awkward moments from last night were making me laugh. I was SO tired this morning and SO grumpy but I woke up laughing and cracking jokes about tying my tent to my car and having my friend drive me down the mountain in it. Also, I now know that I will totally survive the (zombie??) apocalypse. I showed my new tent who is boss and I showed the fire who is boss too, yay girl scouts I can camp! We made some amazing hot cocoa with peppermint schnapps, it tasted like Christmas.

Maybe this day will get better as it progresses? There's always room for things to get interesting.

Sunday, November 15, 2009


I'm starting to wonder if the universe is misinterpreting my thoughts right now.
It's like being hungry and wishing you had food and then someone shows up at your door with a spam sandwich and hot Dr. Pepper.

It's food, but it's definitely not what you had in mind.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

It WOULD be that way.

Man I must have fallen into a vat of bad luck shit fuck double puddle of crap.

Hah. That sounded like touretts.
I don't even want to go into why or how my morning went so udderly array. If I hadn't been itching to go out Sunday night and put my jacket on, I wouldn't have put my keys in the pocket of said jacket. And I most definitely wouldn't have run out of the house with my purse with no keys while slamming the door behind me this morning. And on this lovely HOT ass day in November I would most definitely not try to break back into my house to no avail since every door was locked and every window sealed. Even better was the part where everyone I knew to call was at work or couldn't. My own grandma couldn't even pick me up since she was working at the senior center.. I had to call in sick and walk to her house and wallow in my own shame.. Some creepo on the road offered to give me a ride I was like NO THANK YOU but a tiny little part of me almost wanted to say fuck it take me to work!!! I'd rather not be dead or stabbed on the side of the road though. But I'd also rather not be a complete and total idiot who forgets about her keys and ends up walking the streets of Esco in a long sleeved shirt.

Fuck not having a car. It sucks. I was not happy camper. I wanted to curse the gods, I'm guessing something AMAZING must be right around the corner because shit has hit the fan MORE than three times. Penance is due bitches. Why do these thing happen to me?!?!?!

Maybe the 70's themed black light party on Friday will be the place were it all turns around haha. Or the Raveonette's on Thursday? Perhaps the Jazz Festival this weekend. I'm glad I didn't gamble in Vegas, I bet that would have turned bad too.

Dearest Karma,
You can kiss my butt, I'm gonna have a GREAT November starting TODAY. I am going to wake up extra early, take an long shower and look fabulous at work. Then I'm going to have the funnest wildest craziest night ever somehow and I'm going to find five dollars in a parking lot, be promoted, and win the lottery. After that I'm going to get golden grillz a low rider and gang bang around Escondido. The end.

Forever yours,
With kindest regards for the future,


Monday, November 2, 2009

I'm destroying my body. I'm destroying my mind.

But aren't we all? It sure is fun. Used the late late drive home to slowly piece together the last few days. I can't believe I am awake right now, but considering I didn't fall asleep until 9am on November 1st I think it's fair to say my sleeping pattern is, well, a bit off.

Landed Friday and ran out to meet with Angela's friend Geoff, who arrived in style in a beater of a white Toyota truck and a Nordic looking hat. He pulled over and hopped out of the car, handed the keys to Angela and said (well more like yelled) "Change of plans!! You guys gotta drive, I'm catching a flight." Then he rips off his pants and shirt to reveal a tiny pink and green like sky diver suit and puts on some snow boarding glasses and yells, "I'm jumping baby! I'm jumpingggg!!!!" I was laughing my ass off by this point and everyone was staring at us. He made some joke about the cops heading our way so we squeezed in the car and put put putted our way into the city. We dropped our stuff at Galen's and then hit the streets for some Mexican food and beer. Got some more drinks and totally forgot that I had that Valium before the flight. I ended up falling asleep in various places in the bar until we finally took off. Woke up at 9am for some unknown reason, had a great chat with Galen and then headed to the Pork Shop for some ridiculously great turkey sandwiches. Headed to the hangar and stood at amazement at what we had in store for later that night, paper mache seagulls hung from the ceiling, a gigantic mermaid, giant whale skeleton, and of course the cardboard ghost ship which covered the dodoacyplse bus. Not to mention two different rooms to dance, various bars, and a light house. Outside was some gigantic rock-em sock-em robots and a truck sized lawn flamingo. Also, the diner was set up to sell grilled cheese sandwiches in the back.. Helped clear some stuff up and then headed back to the city to meander, shop, and grab some amazing curry before heading to Tyler's to start the party. After having some fun at Tyler's we all left his house and then made our way to another house party. The rooms all had names on them like make out room and dance party room and it was hella crowded but lots of fun hanging. Ang, Nicole, and I ran to a store then to the muni then to a bus to Treasure Island. The party had just begun and didn't end until the wee hours of the morning and sunrise on a rooftop over looking the city. Spent most of Sunday sleeping and feeling miserable, having an amazing dinner of calamari, crab cakes, and salad. Meandered around some more and then back to the airport. All in all I'm exhausted but I had so much fun. Met some great new people and re met some more great people. Scored some cute clothes and a new mug. But most of all took back some memories that I will look back and laugh about... my costume turned out amazing!! Some great costumes I saw were, balloon boy, Party bot 3000, full with built in ipod and drink dispenser, a guy dressed as a night stand with a lamp shade on his head, when I asked him what he was dressed as he told me he was a one night stand.. so great, saw a whole entire gang dressed in Star Wars garb, The house from up, Able Lincoln, and many more.. pics soon to come I'm sure.