Tuesday, November 10, 2009

It WOULD be that way.

Man I must have fallen into a vat of bad luck shit fuck double puddle of crap.

Hah. That sounded like touretts.
I don't even want to go into why or how my morning went so udderly array. If I hadn't been itching to go out Sunday night and put my jacket on, I wouldn't have put my keys in the pocket of said jacket. And I most definitely wouldn't have run out of the house with my purse with no keys while slamming the door behind me this morning. And on this lovely HOT ass day in November I would most definitely not try to break back into my house to no avail since every door was locked and every window sealed. Even better was the part where everyone I knew to call was at work or couldn't. My own grandma couldn't even pick me up since she was working at the senior center.. I had to call in sick and walk to her house and wallow in my own shame.. Some creepo on the road offered to give me a ride I was like NO THANK YOU but a tiny little part of me almost wanted to say fuck it take me to work!!! I'd rather not be dead or stabbed on the side of the road though. But I'd also rather not be a complete and total idiot who forgets about her keys and ends up walking the streets of Esco in a long sleeved shirt.

Fuck not having a car. It sucks. I was not happy camper. I wanted to curse the gods, I'm guessing something AMAZING must be right around the corner because shit has hit the fan MORE than three times. Penance is due bitches. Why do these thing happen to me?!?!?!

Maybe the 70's themed black light party on Friday will be the place were it all turns around haha. Or the Raveonette's on Thursday? Perhaps the Jazz Festival this weekend. I'm glad I didn't gamble in Vegas, I bet that would have turned bad too.

Dearest Karma,
You can kiss my butt, I'm gonna have a GREAT November starting TODAY. I am going to wake up extra early, take an long shower and look fabulous at work. Then I'm going to have the funnest wildest craziest night ever somehow and I'm going to find five dollars in a parking lot, be promoted, and win the lottery. After that I'm going to get golden grillz a low rider and gang bang around Escondido. The end.

Forever yours,
With kindest regards for the future,



  1. ROFL that rant was very entertaining thanks xD

  2. Glad it made someone laugh :D My rants tend to be funny cause I'm so dumb sometimes :P

  3. naw cummon dont say that lol, u just have the guts to write what you really think and hey i reckon everyone rambles in their heads like that (i do) we just tend to edit, we worried about what others may think... go on its fun. i'm following :)
