Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I'm so LA

As I sit in the hotel lobby I can't help but reflect on what a crazy, absolutely insane week it has been. I guess I can be thankful that things in my life are interesting, not really drama, but definitely interesting.. sometimes I wonder myself if I perhaps am in a coma and all of this is ridiculous dreams I am floating through until the day I wake up at 30 in a hospital room. Dang if I ever played the game last night! LA is fun and so is staying in this beautiful hotel, relaxing at the pool on the roof, and living like I'm some rich starlet. It's nice to have that everyonce in a while, it makes it special.. For some reason the bizarre chain of events that my life has become has made me really reflect on this year which is more than half way over. It feels like yesterday I was sick as a dog at Judy's trying to celebrate New Years with a flu. I knew then that this was going to be a different year for me and it's been a surreal ride if I do say so myself. All I can do is take it all in, enjoy the new company, and hope for the best. I have become, so it seems, a master at meeting new people and enjoying new places. About to get some dinner soon but having a day to enjoy the simpler things in life has been fun :) Yay for LA, yay for the AMAZING show last night, Regina was so great, I cried when she played Samson.. and yay for moving forward with my life, something that has been very tough for me to do.

Friday, July 24, 2009

You can take my keys, you can take my sandwich, but you can't take my dignity!!

(Just click on the picture to make it bigger and please read the note.)

Great way to segue into the shit that went down last night.  It was one of those, if this hadn't happened then that wouldn't have happened domino effect kind of nights.  Gloria and I had planned to meet at the train station after work but we both were running late so we missed it and tried to beat it to the next stop.  No dice.  So I hopped in Gloria's car and zombiefied myself on the way down to SD.  The walk was, well... interesting, I think Kelsey agreed it was way better last year when there was a smaller group of zombies roaming downtown.  Saw some preggers zombies, baby zombies, and some people who might be sleeping on the street and decided to join in zombies.  So we headed, ahem, I mean dragged one foot back to the car and got situated to go out to the Shout House.  Kelsey had been up since the crack of dawn so she went back to my house and Gloria and I decided to hang out for a little longer.  Little did we know that while we were gone having the time of our lives some asshole in the parking garage had other plans for us.  Meanwhile, back at the Shout House, Gloria and I, still dressed like zombies, were enjoying the dueling piano's and all the great music, we met up with some other Escondidoans and had some good laughs.  

I guess the first tip should have been the card on the stairs.  It was from a psychic in Santa Barbara when I visited a few months ago, I picked it up and was wondering how the hell it got there..  As soon as I reached in the back for my purse and didn't see it I knew it was gone.  I've had my wallet stolen twice before but the icky feeling that immediately proceeds never changes.  Gloria's purse was gone too but everything else was still in the car.  I turned back to run and see if anything else had dropped on the ground and realized that a bunch of mine and Gloria's stuff was floating around the garage, receipts, cards, checks.  As I began to collect things I looked down into the alleyway below and noticed Gloria's wallet.  It looked like a murder scene, both our wallets guts sprawled all over the pavement.  Before I knew it I had jumped a fence probably violated numerous trespassing laws and was down in the alley collecting our things.  I thought well we got our wallets at least, maybe there is more around.  The thing is I love my wallet and I love my purse, I remember how I got them, where I bought them and why they are special to me, stupid I know but I can't help but be attached to things that I have in my life everyday.  We were both pretty bummed and still in shock.  We looked down into the alleyway again and Gloria was talking about how she wished she could get her purse back too.  I remember sighing and looking out into downtown right over the roof of the building next to us, the roof with a brownish lump on top of it, the roof where my freaking purse was!!  I couldn't believe it, I probably yelled a few profanities and Gloria and I were two women on a mission, two women who were still made up like zombies.  We got the hotel to let us on the roof and after a lot of looking we got both our purses back and then got kicked out of the hotel for hanging around and surveying the damage, thanks to the guy at the front desk!  I have to really thank the guy who took us up there though, he was helpful and his name was Del Mar, which is probably the coolest name I have ever heard in my entire life.  We shook his hand and then had to deal with security, who probably weren't much smarter than the criminals who when all was said and done, got NO cash, a few of G's credit cards, which she cancelled immediately, my keys :(, and MY SANDWICH!  Who does that?  We think the thiefs may have been on the crackhead side because they stole Gloria's balance bars and took three bites of my apple which I also found.  on the roof.. DNA evidence!  I'm guessing by the bite marks it was a small woman or a kid.  All in all it was more of a waste of time and energy on our parts and I think a major bust for whoever decided it was worth it to use a hanger, set off an alarm, and run out with maybe 15 cents and dinner.  The thing I'm upset about is Gloria's pictures and my keys, well my keychain, my sister bought it for me when we were in Austria last year and I had some stuff on there that really meant a lot to me.  I just don't get why people do this, there were so many things in the car worth way more than taking away sentimental items that you just can't replace.  I'm thankful that we were fine and we got most everything back.  What can you do but try and look back and be able to laugh at the insanity.  

So I hope that was a DAMN good sandwich!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Hot Hot Heat

So I think the general consensus in Southern California these past few days have been "My God it's hot outside!!"  Which to me is funny since we live in one of the most favorable climates in the entire world.  But I can't deny that it is, in fact, seriously freaking hot out.  Like my ass just fused to this leather chair and I'm stuck in my house for the next few hours hot.  I've resorted to driving to my grandma's and standing in front of her air conditioning while she tells me awesome stories about how last week she got locked out of the house and hopped her 6 ft fence.  She is so bad ass.  Besides abusing nana's central cooling system I'm trying to get things ready for Miss All Around Town Brown and J Booty.  I am very excited for the adventures to be had this week.. zombie walks and such.  Also I'm studying hard (hah, no really I am trying) for my online Anthropology class.  I'm kind of bummed it's an online class though, how crazy is that?  The book is actually really interesting, and would be even better if I hadn't have paid 90 bucks for it to fall to pieces.  But I wish that I could talk to someone about what I'm learning, I'm totally missing out on the discussion parts of class.  Too bad that just the mention of ethnographic research or the culture of the Nacirema would clear a room.  Totally off topic, don't make the mistake of walking to 7/11 for popsicles at midnight.  When they are closed you will feel stupid, and a little scared you're  going to be attacked by a gang.  Gloria and I ended up walking home and driving to another one but damn that pineapple popsicle was so great, especially in this heat.  

PS Is that not the best picture above?  Apparently it is a global warming campaign.  So great. 

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Shimmy Shimmy ya..

Shimmy yeah, shimmy yay. 

I feel like I haven't been home in days, but I guess being busy is a good thing, been running rampant around town.. also makes going home a little nicer too.  Finally will have some time at home tonight making some soup and probably cleaning my room.  grumble grumble.  I've been a zombie most of today though, that's what happens when you go to bed at 4am but it was well worth it.  Nerded it out and went to Harry Potter, movie was pretty fantastic, the only thing that got a little annoying was finally getting a seat and every time some rando saying, "Excuse me, umm I'm saving these um 17 seats here, so umm you need to find another seat." (they say while shaking their Slytherin snake walking stick/wand at me).  FINE, I'll move.  Guess July is going to be geekiness overload for me though, first HP and next week Comic Con is upon us!  I'm so glad that Kelsey got the hook up, I tried getting tickets off craigslist but the guy was a comic con if you know what I mean, good thing I wised up.  I think the Lebowski fest is heading this way too.  Nothing like bowling and white russians all night long.  Street scene this year is looking pretty nice too, Beastie Boys, M.I.A, The Dead Weather, The FAINT what?  Who want's to "loan" me 150 bucks?  

Monday, July 13, 2009

Stuffed Olives.

I hate this feeling, of being stuffed beyond stuffed.  UGH.  Whilst I was eating my soup and sandwich we were watching the Millionaire's Club on TV.  Not a fan I have to say.. I seriously got sick to my stomach watching the show, didn't help that I was stuffed beyond stuffed but watching human beings behaving in that way just made me want to yack all over myself and go live in a hole 30 feet below the surface of the Earth.  Sometimes I really wonder about people, society, this culture we have created.  Just taking Anthropology and reading about how other people on the Earth live, I sometimes think I might have been born in the wrong culture, the wrong time, the wrong space.  It's such an internal tug-o-war, part of me would like to be successful and live some kind of "american dream" if it even exists, be comfortable, enjoy luxuries, but part of me really wants to be more of a minimalist, reminding myself that money and riches are not the key to life but the opposite, that life should be about what you do with it, for the good of other people.  I have no room to complain.  As I age that is one lesson I have learned and that is why I think it is good to expose yourself to what goes on in the rest of the world and not just turn a blind eye.  It's definitely humbling, I mean there are people starving, in wars, dying, genocide, crazy harsh weather, just living a much harder life than the cushiness of our socal homes here.  And here I am complaining about traffic, or being hungry, or too full.. jesus.. we seriously have NOTHING to complain about.  So yes, even though things in my life may not be fantastic I have SO MUCH to be thankful for and the freedom to be myself and be thankful for those things..  just trying to enjoy those things in life.  
So for enjoying things I had a pretty fun an eventful weekend, went bowling with the brothers Verdin.  Drove up to Ontario on Saturday for J Booty's graduation partay then back home for Ang's pool extravaganza which was great times too. 

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Found this beauty in my livejournal.. I like it.  What do you think?

I am a writer.
Why is it that some of us have the innate desire
to try and save the world?
with letters.
We are the mathematicians of words, punctuation's, combinations.
Waiting to discover that proof that will change the history of man kind, 
things that thousands of years ago would have made no difference..
That one combination of letters, words, and sentences that makes 
a beautiful clamor in the ears and minds of our brethren. 
So often I hear that..
I am a writer..
but how many people have finished the book or poem or screenplay.
and how many people can rise to the top or make a difference or bring someone
to tears??
Everyone wants to be the brightest star, but so many of us fall behind.
It's hard to deal with the things you just aren't born to have.
Or to take.
The dying lion of some sorts, defeated.
Grant me the wisdom to change the things I can, 
let the things I cannot change go
and the wisdom to know the difference..

Monday, July 6, 2009

Random mix of thoughts and actions

"Your chance to turn one of your dreams into a goal and tackle that goal with your usual meticulous attention has now officially arrived -- and if you're dealing with the department of long-distance travel, higher education or spiritual quests, you'll have all the heavenly help you could ever ask for to get the show on the road. Go for it."

This is my Horoscope for Tuesday.. hmm, these things have weirdly enough been kind of spot on lately, even though I know they are all a bunch of malarky, kind of a coincidence.. hope this one is right.  hmm malarky, I love that word, that and palapa, just the way it sticks to your mouth, like sugary butter and vanilla.  

But I digress. 

4th of July weekend was fun, spent Friday rock climbing with the sister, I'll have pictures soon.. just need to find my damn camera.  Found a new drink called 50 50 bar, reminds me of my grandpa because whenever I ask him how he is he says, "ahhh 50 50" and I say, "Grandpa that's an ice cream bar!" then he asks me how I am and I say, "ahhh 60 40" and least it gets a laugh, he's as crazy as old crazy grandpa's get. seriously.  He has a handlebar mustache and tells crazy stories all the time most of them being very inappropriate, which of course is all the more entertaining.  Moving on, spent 4th with the family for family game night, which again is always the best!  Got massacred at Texas Hold Em', guess they won't be calling me on the river Rose much longer.. :(  Saw some snazzy fireworks, and slept in on Sunday, what are Sundays for?  Cleaned my room.. a little..... and washed my awesome skull sheets.  Then visited my grandma and met up with G unit for a picnic and a hike through Dixon lake and Daily Ranch, which reminds me I need to look up squatters rights.. we found an old abandoned house with a hugeeeee fireplace..  I was sweating like a pig and out of breath already, time to hit the gym again, oh and more rock climbing this week already, I'm addicted :P  and sore like a mofo...  No words of wisdom for now.  Like I EVER have any.  But looking forward to this month, some fantastic things ahead, people to see, parties to crash, white russians to drink at Lebowski fest.  Ah life in July in socal es muy bueno.  

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

You know I look like a woman but I, CUT like a buffalo.

 Listening to The Dead Weather ahhhh pre ordered the CD.  Jack White plus Allison Mossheart equals pure bliss.  I've been listening to The Kills on repeat again.  Also, just bought the new Regina Spektor album, so FAR so good hah.  Music music musically goodness. :) 

Got to catch up with Jules and Kelz over some amazing Korean BBQ the other night which was deliciously fun, then met up with Toby, the sis and a few of her buddies last night for Princess Bride at Stone, had a little tempeh chilli.. yummmm, whatever they put in the hot cocoa was heavenly!  I forgot to close my tab though, I'm a repeat offender.  My mom used to read this book to me when I was little called, "Aren't you Forgetting Something Fiona?"

  I remember thinking then at like four, am I doomed to be this elephant?  ahem I mean girl?  My favorite part was when she almost gets into the bathtub with all of her clothes on, shoes and all, I remember my mom saying something like, who is THAT dumb?  and laughing at how ridiculous the book got.  My mom the "realist"  haha, I can definitely see some of her outlooks rubbed off on me, although she liked to keep us "innocent" and dispend belief, (she never actually sat me down and told me that Santa Claus isn't real) she definitely had a very realistic view of some things in life, even now she will comment about how she believes things will turn out and my sister and I are there saying, "Don't say that!!  Don't be so pessimistic!!"  and then what she says will happen does.  It's gotten to the point where we yell, "Just don't say it!  If you do it will come true!!!"  like she's some kind of psychic.  WOW.  I just went from forgetting to close a tab to some psycho-babble about my mother and the way I was raised.  This is how my mind works on censored haha, I'm surprised sometimes that I can have conversations with people because of how it wanders.  I guess it's healthy, but it definitely takes some lengthy strolls and I wonder if one day it just won't come back.

Anyways, plans for the fourth?  I may be camping, not sure, but I am going to start bringing my camera with me everywhere, get an 8 gig sd card and go to town.  That way I can have pictures of everything I blog about and not just pics I randomly take on photo booth.. 

Question of the day:  What is a book you remember being read as a little kid?  and why does it stick out in your mind?

Mine are "Are you Forgetting Something Fiona?"  "Pigs in the House" (about three pigs who break into the house and run amuck when the farmers are gone.. hmm maybe that's why I loved Animal Farm?)  and "Pickle Things" (Basically a book with pickle things, like pickle bikes, pickle nose, pickle tub, and pickle toes.)