Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Shimmy Shimmy ya..

Shimmy yeah, shimmy yay. 

I feel like I haven't been home in days, but I guess being busy is a good thing, been running rampant around town.. also makes going home a little nicer too.  Finally will have some time at home tonight making some soup and probably cleaning my room.  grumble grumble.  I've been a zombie most of today though, that's what happens when you go to bed at 4am but it was well worth it.  Nerded it out and went to Harry Potter, movie was pretty fantastic, the only thing that got a little annoying was finally getting a seat and every time some rando saying, "Excuse me, umm I'm saving these um 17 seats here, so umm you need to find another seat." (they say while shaking their Slytherin snake walking stick/wand at me).  FINE, I'll move.  Guess July is going to be geekiness overload for me though, first HP and next week Comic Con is upon us!  I'm so glad that Kelsey got the hook up, I tried getting tickets off craigslist but the guy was a comic con if you know what I mean, good thing I wised up.  I think the Lebowski fest is heading this way too.  Nothing like bowling and white russians all night long.  Street scene this year is looking pretty nice too, Beastie Boys, M.I.A, The Dead Weather, The FAINT what?  Who want's to "loan" me 150 bucks?  

1 comment:

  1. AHHH HARRY POTTER! Let's see it again in imax!!!
