Monday, July 6, 2009

Random mix of thoughts and actions

"Your chance to turn one of your dreams into a goal and tackle that goal with your usual meticulous attention has now officially arrived -- and if you're dealing with the department of long-distance travel, higher education or spiritual quests, you'll have all the heavenly help you could ever ask for to get the show on the road. Go for it."

This is my Horoscope for Tuesday.. hmm, these things have weirdly enough been kind of spot on lately, even though I know they are all a bunch of malarky, kind of a coincidence.. hope this one is right.  hmm malarky, I love that word, that and palapa, just the way it sticks to your mouth, like sugary butter and vanilla.  

But I digress. 

4th of July weekend was fun, spent Friday rock climbing with the sister, I'll have pictures soon.. just need to find my damn camera.  Found a new drink called 50 50 bar, reminds me of my grandpa because whenever I ask him how he is he says, "ahhh 50 50" and I say, "Grandpa that's an ice cream bar!" then he asks me how I am and I say, "ahhh 60 40" and least it gets a laugh, he's as crazy as old crazy grandpa's get. seriously.  He has a handlebar mustache and tells crazy stories all the time most of them being very inappropriate, which of course is all the more entertaining.  Moving on, spent 4th with the family for family game night, which again is always the best!  Got massacred at Texas Hold Em', guess they won't be calling me on the river Rose much longer.. :(  Saw some snazzy fireworks, and slept in on Sunday, what are Sundays for?  Cleaned my room.. a little..... and washed my awesome skull sheets.  Then visited my grandma and met up with G unit for a picnic and a hike through Dixon lake and Daily Ranch, which reminds me I need to look up squatters rights.. we found an old abandoned house with a hugeeeee fireplace..  I was sweating like a pig and out of breath already, time to hit the gym again, oh and more rock climbing this week already, I'm addicted :P  and sore like a mofo...  No words of wisdom for now.  Like I EVER have any.  But looking forward to this month, some fantastic things ahead, people to see, parties to crash, white russians to drink at Lebowski fest.  Ah life in July in socal es muy bueno.  

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