Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Hot Hot Heat

So I think the general consensus in Southern California these past few days have been "My God it's hot outside!!"  Which to me is funny since we live in one of the most favorable climates in the entire world.  But I can't deny that it is, in fact, seriously freaking hot out.  Like my ass just fused to this leather chair and I'm stuck in my house for the next few hours hot.  I've resorted to driving to my grandma's and standing in front of her air conditioning while she tells me awesome stories about how last week she got locked out of the house and hopped her 6 ft fence.  She is so bad ass.  Besides abusing nana's central cooling system I'm trying to get things ready for Miss All Around Town Brown and J Booty.  I am very excited for the adventures to be had this week.. zombie walks and such.  Also I'm studying hard (hah, no really I am trying) for my online Anthropology class.  I'm kind of bummed it's an online class though, how crazy is that?  The book is actually really interesting, and would be even better if I hadn't have paid 90 bucks for it to fall to pieces.  But I wish that I could talk to someone about what I'm learning, I'm totally missing out on the discussion parts of class.  Too bad that just the mention of ethnographic research or the culture of the Nacirema would clear a room.  Totally off topic, don't make the mistake of walking to 7/11 for popsicles at midnight.  When they are closed you will feel stupid, and a little scared you're  going to be attacked by a gang.  Gloria and I ended up walking home and driving to another one but damn that pineapple popsicle was so great, especially in this heat.  

PS Is that not the best picture above?  Apparently it is a global warming campaign.  So great. 

1 comment:

  1. haha the Nacirema...I read about them in Am. Studies and Anthro. lol our prof. made us write out own observation. It was so fun!
