Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Apathy releases me.

Yes. It's 9/09/09. Kind of cool, I missed 9:09 this morning but hoping to acknowledge it tonight and also finally get that jalapeno margarita I've been attempting to get since last week.

It's been weird waking up in the morning now that everyone is gone. I keep turning my music down in the morning only to realize that no one is around except Dawn, who could sleep through tornadoes, earthquakes, any natural disaster really. In a week she'll be gone too so it will just be me. So weird. I've been looking at places on craigslist but practically the only way I can afford to live on my own right now would be in some kind of trailer in Fallbrook. How else have I been filling my time lately? Usuing my b-day presents. Reading. I got Go Ask Alice for my birthday, I still don't understand why I like books about self destruction and general f-ed uped-ness. Like Jesus' Son and anything by Augusten Burroughs, basically anything that makes my life seem tame and normal I guess. Only thing is I kind of loose myself in the book and start to feel like the character and I feel the urge to finish the book as quickly as possible just to get out of their head, sometimes it's scary in there. Another thing I got for my birthday was the first season of Arrested Developement. I finished it in like 2 days. I know it's amazing because I can watch it by myself and still laugh. I've already netflixed the second season. I think the fact the episodes are less than 30 minutes makes it that much better for me, I'm not one to like to sit around for a whole hour of television. I'm actually surprised I finished the season because I'm not very good at watching tv shows. The only other ones I've watched non stop are The Office and Sex and the City, both of which I have seen every episode. I have major problems scheduling my life around a certain night and time, doesn't leave much room for spontaneity.

Besides wasting my time in front of the boobtube I'm on this dog kick, I had this dream that I had a dog a few weeks ago and it was life changing, I woke up with the remnants of that, so I've been pondering it, definitely would be nice to have something happy to see me when I get home, that I could take on walks or runs too. We are trying to fix our backyard up and put some concrete in, so perhaps after that I can walk on down to the shelter. Other kick I'm on is a camera kick, I want to get one, a really nice one so I can hang it over my neck and take pictures for days. just trying to figure out what I want..

For now I need to stop wasting my time watching videos like this: Daily dose of cute.

1 comment:

  1. glad you're into arrested development. I watch the whole series once a year. Everyone has signed on for a movie....even anyung!
