Thursday, December 24, 2009

Revolting Revolving Resolutions

New year, new hair, new hat..
new necklace?

Today was productive.. got ma hairrrr did.. brought my poor bedridden secondary bff lunch... tried to give blood and was denied AGAIN.. first time was the weight, second time I was anemic, now my veins are too small?!?!  WTF now Edward will never LOVE ME!  As you can tell by my typing I'm being sarcastic.. where is the sarcasm font already?  Went to Target to buy more gifts and bought shit for myself :/ Then I met up with Matt and we destroyed Stone Brewery.. we pretty much just laughed at everything in the tour, I bet the guide hated us.. oh well it was fun.  I got home and baked something or other, passed out for like an hour and went to see the Disney movie.. again.  I swear Disney movies will be the death of me, I get all mushified over the romance stuff.  Pull yourself together Rose!  Now it's past 1am on xmas eve and I'm blogging.  There isn't much I want for Christmas that can be packaged and wrapped.  I got over gifts like 3 years ago, mainly because I just feel like I accumulate stuff and I'm at a point in my life where really I can just go get what I need myself.  I'm more of a random gift giver and a random gift taker.  Anyways, I'd really like some things to happen next year as my xmas gift.. like good people coming into my life, positive changes, and exciting events.  I'm thinking about my resolutions and I'm going for a total makeover overhaul, inside and out.  That means back to yoga, the gym, running, and eating right.  Also means getting out of the house more and exploring.  I want to start doing more volunteer work as well, finish my documentary, keep working at the piano, take classes again, and start trying to better my vocabulary.  I'm going to finally get my tattoo too!  Talking to an artist now and one of my really good friends is going as well.  I can tell 2010 is going to be insanely busy for me already, phew.  On top of all this I have to remind myself to stop and smell the roses.. yeah yeah yeah.. I think sometimes it's hard for people to keep up with me, I'm just everywhere sometimes and I guess I'm not one to just sit still very often, part of me gets scared because once I do settle down I take my time getting back up and I need to just relax and be myself and trust myself and my sister.. hahah we had a whole discussion about how she can read people really well and doesn't like a lot of people because of that, like she sees things I never do and catches vibes from people that most don't.  I think I need to take things less personally too and stop beating myself up over the tiny things, like I said just work on bettering myself.  Either way I can't complain somehow I've turned a whole lot of lemons into lemonade this year and thrown a few at people as well :P  I still believe that things fall as they should, even if we don't see it at the time and I am so thankful for all I have.  No one can ever say I didn't try my hardest and didn't stop laughing even when shit hit the fan.  And you know what?  This little lady, she's going places.. I aspire to be inspiring.  I'm living in the now and living to the fullest cause what's the use of a boring uneventful life? 

I am a fever, I am a fever.
I ain't born typical.

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