Monday, December 7, 2009

Faint white figures paint my sleep.

My subconscious is a jerk.  I wish I could tell people the dreams I have about them.
I think though, going up to someone I don't know very well and being like, "Hey, I had a dream that we were drinking rootbeer floats in a Chem lab last night!" might just be crossing a line of some sorts.  Or my recent favorite is dreaming about someone telling me they considered going to my house and slapping me as hard as they could, but that was one of three options.

It's funny to me how I sort things out and relay them, a few weeks ago I was bashing in windows and display cases with someone I was very angry with.  We didn't speak a word to each other, just grabbed some bats and went to town.  Last night I was floating through the ocean and trying to escape a whale shark?  I've been having a shit ton of water dreams lately and I really don't know why..  Once I had a dream that we were in the Apocalypse and I was riding around in a jeep through Escondido looking for a good pair of ass kicking boots the entire time.  I think a dream that sticks with me the most though is the one about this scary man who made everyone get on a conveyor belt that fed you to a cardboard monster that looked eerily like my garage.. I wrote a poem about it.  I need to do that more often.  Still, one of my most favorite poems I ever wrote.

Cardboard Monster

Conveyor belt pulls
the children of the town
When a small square man
From a small scared town

With his slick black hair
And his nice black suit
Curls his boot black mustache
plants his foot in root

Calls the children of the town
wipes his round round glasses
with the thick black frames
feels like old molasses

If you run
If you hide
He will find you
Bide the tide

He will put you on the belt
till your face starts to melt

there's a monster there for you
shaped like a big garage
with big cardboard eyes
he's a false cardboard god

he chomps on your legs
he swallows you down
you're a victim now
of a small scared town

then the man starts to laugh
as your sucked into the dark
and a murmur starts to breed

in your dark dark heart

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