Friday, December 11, 2009

The answer is this, No. No I don't.

I stumbled into my house at 6. Turned on some Jimi Hendrix, turned off my light, and dragged my feet toward my bed. I love my bed. It's so comfortable. It smells like me, mix of my perfume, lilac febreez, and just my smell. I'm weird like that. I find certain peoples' smells attractive. I slumped into my sheets even though my phone kept going off.. leave it to my luck to have everyone calling me when all I want to do is sink away into the blankets and pillows that keep me from the real world. I had such an odd dream. The answer is "No. No I don't. But I wish that I could." So there, I had to get it out there cause someone kept asking me a question and I felt it imperative to somehow get it out into the universe. I hazily awoke and got stuck at home the rest of the night.. I shouldn't be left to my own devices hahaha. I grabbed my Rosarito Mexican blanket. It makes me proud, it has roses on it and I haggled it down to twenty dollars, which is what I told everyone I would do. I smuggled firecrackers back inside it, we threw them at the guard at Elfin Forest.. ahhh to be 18. But I digress. Bundled up in my blanket I scooted down the hall and into the living room, where I spent the rest of the evening watching "The Good Old Summertime" ohhh Van Johnson... I am such a sucker for old romantic movies.. Now it's time to sink back into those sheets and mingle myself into my beautiful amazing bed with skull sheets. Listening to Stars Fell on Alabama makes me happy to just be here now. Life is good but I think I shall duck out for the weekend, turn my phone off, and drive out of SD. I know just the place, it's nice to have places to escape to. So I'm going to miss a few get togethers, oh well, time for a mini vaca before my mini vaca to NYC. Also, I just think it's rather fantastic that I will be going to Madrid next summer. High fives all around for having free places to stay! My sister is studying out there and I get to go party in my HOMELAND! Viva la Spaniards! Time to learn my Spanish and start researching, I want to find some long lost familia! And then Peru in 11'.. Traveling.. I can't quit you, thus I am broke. But nothing can replace the experience of getting so drunk in London that you hobble back to your hotel after one huge beer, no sleep, jet lag, and pass out your first night at like 8pm London time only to wake up at like 3am wondering where the hell you are. Just the different people out there, the way of life! Pura Vida! Costa Rica was awesome too. I wonder if the Spaniards will be fun? Se la vie. We shall see!!!

PS. Examples below of WHY I should not be left at home alone with nothing to do ever again:


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