Friday, December 4, 2009

2009 A Retrospective.

I stole these questions from a skate interview.. but I liked them.

5 Best Trips
1.  I went to Santa Cruz/ SF three times this year.. each time got exponentially crazier. 

2.  Meeting Jeff, Judy, and Viv in Santa Barbara.  We drove around looking for midget homes and played rock band all weekend. 

3.  Coachella 08'  We came.  we camped.  we conquered. 

4.  Vegas in November for the Holiday party/event.  Rancid live, free food, and my own amazing room at the Wynn.  I also watched the sunrise one night.  It was quite beautiful. 

5.  Taking a boat in the middle of the rain forest for an hour to a small island in Costa Rica.. there really is nothing like it.  The country was beautiful.  Filled with amazing wild life, beaches, and volcanoes.   Went to a hot springs and went down a water slide that would never be legal in the US, zip lined through the jungle, and white water rafted. 

5 Best Reasons To Lose Weight
1.  Because I need less weight on my knees to run the marathon.
2.  So I can make it through a hike through the jungle to a waterfall without having to stop every five minutes.

3.  So I can eat my weight in candy, beer, and food on various holidays/trips and not feel bad :P

4.  Love handles unfortunately don't make finding love easier. 

5.  NYC New Years.. gotta look good under all those layers.

5 Best Celebrity Encounters
1.  News spread like wildfire that Rob Halford was gonna be in the office.. my co worker and I didn't take our lunches until after he was here.. we made sure to wait for him in the lobby and get pictures, he was really nice and smelled so good.  
2.  Meeting that little kid from Role Models who is so funny and so bad ass. 

3.  Randomly ran into Travis from Gym Class Heroes in the VIP section of a club for my friends bachelorette party, I think I drunkenly told him how much I loved them when I saw them years ago when there was like 5 people at their show and I knew they'd hit it big.  Then someone asked us to leave him alone..

4.  Does taking a picture of my coworker and Lars from Rancid count? 

5.  Finally went up to Big Black at an event and got his pic.  I told him we would be on the next cover of the good friends cereal box.  I wonder how much their sales have gone up since the show?

5 Best Reasons To Stay Fat
1.  Cause food is so goddamn good!
2.  Real women have curves.

3.  So I can list myself as BBW (Big Beautiful Women) or the one I made up FAF (Fat And Fabulous) on all the craigslist ads. 

4.  Who needs love WHEN they have love handles :P

5.  Again, so I can eat my weight in candy, beer, and food and not feel guilty.  

5 Best Pick Me-Ups
1.  Cookie cake pie.  You make me that, you make my day.
2.  Planning a trip to somewhere at sometime. 

3.  Watching a really really really good movie.

4.  Seeing a band live.  Me loves it :)

5.  Currently new obsession?  Playing the piano, totally makes me feel good no matter what.

5 Best Ways To Apologize
1.  Honestly, just getting an apology would be nice.. but alas, that probably will never happen.
2.  Writing a letter and leaving it on someones car.

3.  Saying sorry then running away while you cry loudly.

4.  Slapping someone as hard as you can and then when they say, "WHY'D YOU DO THAT?"  you say, "to apologize.. I'm sorry"

5.  Best way to apologize is to mean it though.  Or else it's not worth your time. 

5 Best Flavored Liquers
1.  Sweet Tea Vodka.. sweet jesus it's good.
2.  Peppermint schnapps in hot cocoa.. specially amazing for meteor showers.

3.  Vanilla vodka? 

4.  Does amaretto count?

5.  Whatever I like beer.. *cough brown nut ale at stone cough*

5 Best Songs
1.  Flavors - Jack Conte
2.  Retrograde - Jemina Pearl 
3.  Those to Come  - The Shins
4.  We Used to Vacation - Cold War Kids

5.  I Am Not A Robot - Marina & The Diamonds

5 Best Moments of 2009
1.  Probably about 10 seconds before I finished my marathon.  I was trying to smile for the cameras but inside I was bawling like a baby so I kept frowning and smiling and frowning again and trying soooo hard to look happy in my picture without crying cause I couldn't believe I had done it.

2.  Standing on some steps in the middle of the rain forest, after swimming in the most amazing waterfall ever, while it was pouring rain, and just listening to the sound of nothing really.  No cars, computer hums, or complaints.  Pretty epic.

3.  Creating a drink with Jeff called "heavy flow" and intricately describing everything about the drinks to everyone who was there that night.  Next time less grenadine Jeff.  Maybe we should rename it "light flow".

4.  The day before Vegas.  I was so excited for the trip and we were blasting Morrissey.  Ang and I were talking in the office and she was telling me a story about what one of my co workers said about me.  I fell on the floor crying I was laughing so hard.  In Vegas I mentioned it to him and he got totally butt hurt about me finding out.. really though, I was totally flattered. Actually Vegas was pretty funny, we have some amazing sayings from that weekend.  BULLDOG ahahahahah

5.  November 1st.  It was a best moment by default. 

24th B-day.. 

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