Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Pet Peeves

Not really pet peeves per say.. more of a growing annoyance in me that is boiling now and beginning to overflow.  This is my way of running into the kitchen, sliding on my socks to the oven, and turning down the heat.  

Do you ever get so angry you go cross eyed for a second?  More like a millisecond. More like you vision blurs.  I'm surprised I don't have anger issues.

Let's talk about parentals first.  Parents, you do not deserve praise because you CHOSE to have a child.  Especially if you made the choice to have a baby, it doesn't make me feel better when you tell me I was a choice either, congrats, you managed to do what most other people on the planet do.. make babies, where is your medal and gold star?  Also, you don't just automatically deserve respect from your children, you TOO have to earn it by being at least a decent parent, one who may make mistakes yes, but if you raise your children right they will understand that you too are human.. and by raise I mean, not I call you and see you a few times a year.  That does not count.  I might not be the best child in the world but WHO the hell is?  I may be impatient with my parent who raised me, and even feel like their parent sometimes but you know what that is the way that I am, I try to be grateful but when I look at the world around me sometimes.. I just. get. so. angry.  And scared.  Especially of an accident.  As each year goes by, so does my desire to have children, or at least the age starts to go farther and farther back.  So sorry ma and pa, I'm not planning on getting you grandkids anytime soon, get over it.  It irks me that parents even get upset when you say this.  Is it selfish of me not to want to have kids, or is it more selfish for others to want to have babies, obviously not to improve this overpopulated, undereducated world, but to have companionship.  I don't think I'm being naive or cynical by saying that most people want to have kids for their own selfish reasons.  Anyways, sorry for this darker rant.  It just surprises me how "adults" act sometimes, especially when they ignore other adults and act more like a child then their own kids.  

Next lets talk about hypocrites.  Ooooo my favorite, now everyone is guilty of this, present company included.  But it just irritates me like no other when people complain about certain "types" of people, when they themselves ARE exactly what they complain about!!!!!!  Get a grip, my goodness!!   

I need some good smashing and screaming time later on or something, if only my legs didn't feel like people were stabbing them every five minutes.  I'll calm down once I get home, eat some vegetarian chili and watch Stardust again.. "We always knew you were a whoopsie!!"

1 comment:

  1. i love kids (obviously, my profile pic is me with a friends kid), but agree 100% with everything you just said. Also that name poem was brilliant!

