Monday, February 8, 2010

Lessons Learned

This will be my last post in a few weeks.
I'm off to start an adventure of my own.
My first alone really..
Maybe that scares people?  The fact that this little girl, who stands at barely 5 foot 3.
Wants to go off alone.

Before I go I'm going to get some stuff off my chest.  I know there are people out there who could really give a shit about me and what I do.  So be it.  You win and I hope it feels amazing.  I don't need to waist my time feeling bad about myself.  I can't change the way people see me.  I can only change the way I see myself.  I just keep forgetting that.  Sometimes when you are stabbed in the back the scar never really heals right and constantly nags at you and makes you feel inadequate.  It's dumb but you can't always help it.  So just think about those things before you decide to judge someone.  I've always given others the benefit of the doubt and I often end up the underdog.  I don't care about things for some divine promise or to help others, I care because it's in my nature.  I care what people feel, think.. I care about people who have passed through my life for a wink of an instant.  A hitch hiker I once picked up and drove to the train station.  He told me he'd never forget me.. but I wonder about him all the time, will our paths ever pass again?  It's hard for me to fathom people not caring about the others around them.  When it all comes down to it, those people normally end up the "winners" as we'd deem them, getting all they want in life.  But at what price?  What price do you pay for happiness?  I pay a plane ticket to the other side of the globe.  You pay in hearts and tears.  Yours doesn't cost a thing.  So I guess. You really do win.

The people that you keep around.
Well, you learn from them.
And they learn from you...

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