Friday, February 26, 2010

Won't you miss me you said inside Grand Central Station.

A backpack.  A bag.  A purse.

I jutted down the station, track 10, track 10, track 10..
Ran up the stairs, grabbing my pants, I really need to get clothes that don't fall off of me.  Weezing, I felt accomplished.  I had made it.... just in time to watch my train leave on track 12.

I don't mind hanging out in LA Union for an hour.  I do mind taking a bus from Irvine and knowing I'll be stuck in Oceanside at 11pm.. maybe I'll just sleep on the beach and watch the random people fish.

LA was great though.  The event was fantastic, I'm starting to reconsider being an on air talent, I loved winging it and talking to filmakers, actors, and even a millionaire.. last night as we broke everything down everyone was laughing so hard and ironically the theme being dreams and nightmares made me have a hard time falling asleep, could have also been the skeezy hotel in west hollywood.. or Kelsey and Pawntra making jokes for an hour.  I haven't laughed that hard in so long :)

Today consisted of more hilarity, more fun, and of course a stop at guitar center in Hollywood.  I messed on the  pianos for about an hour.  Now I head home and smile, who cares if I can't go home until tomorrow morning, today was great.


  1. you definitely have a personality for on air talent...and next time, stay in Irvine and you can just crash at my house

  2. that last one was me, don't know why i typed in old account
