Sunday, January 17, 2010

Today was good.

My alarm buzzed in my ear early.  8am.  I had only just closed my eyes three hours previous.  My hair, I'm sure, resembled a half made bird's nest.  I wreaked of smoke from the fire pit, my clothes were all over my room as if I had danced them off in a ballet to get to my bed.  Out of the corner of my eye I noticed my mustache necklace danging from my clavicle.  A small glimpse of shenanigans that had occurred the night before made me chuckle.  I felt the twinge of a head ache but I smiled as I hit snooze and turned over onto my back.  It was going to be a long day, I knew it.  After about an hour or so of texting, phone calls, and changed plans I compiled myself and went outside.  My mom was mowing the lawn, I motioned at her to stop.  I found a bag of goodies she had made me for the road so I smiled and thanked her.  I threw on my hat and glasses and plummeted into the drivers seat.

I arrived in Temecula around noon.  I was visiting Tyler at his shop, as I turned the corner people were falling from the sky.  Literally.  Skydivers just happened to be making their somewhat graceful decent towards the Earth.  I decided that I really do need to try that.  someday...

My body ached, even music wasn't helping my mood.  That long thrilling stretch of the 5 started getting to me.    I finally decided to take a pit stop before Pasa Robles.  A glowing Subway sign caught my eye.  You can never go wrong with a 5 dollar footlong, plus it's two meals in one, lunch and the other half for dinner later.  I sat and watched the game and played yatzee on my phone.  I didn't want to leave and was barely over with half my trek.  I thought about where everyone else watching the game was, while I sat in some weird truck stop procrastinating my drive to Santa Cruz.  Road trips are so much better when you have someone to joke with.

The 46 is actually a beautiful drive.  I had forgotten.  The sun was setting, the music was working.  By dark I pulled up to my little sister's home.  The one with hard wood floors and marble counters.  A massacre of shoes greeted me followed by a hodgepodge of Chinese lanterns, Bob Marley wall sarongs, origami cranes hanging among the madness.  I love this house.  We immediately got to work insulting each other.  Ah, I missed her.  We ended up driving downtown to see The Lovely Bones with her roommate.  The movie was good, not as good as the book of course.. but good.  Certain parts were hard to stomach.  I messed with my phone and talked to my sister.  We didn't even realize everyone had left the theater.  She quickly sprang up and headed towards the door, me being, well typical me didn't notice she had stopped at the end of the chairs.  Distracted by my water, my purse, something shinny on the floor, I didn't look up until I reached the end of the row.

It was then we had our moment.  I gave my sister a hug and we both choked back tears.  One of the sister's in the movie is left to deal with the horrific loss, eventually coming almost face to face with the man who murdered her sibling.  That was hard to watch most of all.  We composed ourselves.. sometimes we can be such babies.  It's moments like those though that make me glad to have her around.

And somehow a day that was mostly composed of sitting has in a way become something bigger than that.
Tomorrow we head to the city which I'm sure will be an adventure in it's own.  But today.  Today was good.

1 comment:

  1. I want to go skydiving to, my friends always back out. Im down to go anytime
