Friday, May 22, 2009

Dream, dream dream dreaaaammmm

A lot in my life has been on the line lately.  When more crazy stuff starts to happen, my head starts to get more fuzzy, my dreams more intense.  Lately I've been dreaming of animals... Wednesday night two horses in my grandma's back yard, one white with brown spots the other all brown.  They were talking to me but I can't remember what they said just that they scared me, something was wrong with them, their faces and bodies morphed as I slowly backed away..  The thing that really frightened me was the e-mail I received later the next day from the humane society, the subject: "Horses who overcame severe neglect are ready for a new home"  And yes there were two horses.. with pictures.  One white with brown patches, one all brown, along with images of how emaciated and abused they had been.  

It REALLY scared me.
Coincidence?  Most likely.  But I don't know what it means.  Only maybe once before have I dreamt of something that actually happened the next day but it meant nothing and was of no importance.  I just don't get it...

Then last night I had another dream, mainly a mix of a movie I had seen, real life crap, getting new carpets, running into my friend in Central park, flying on planes, and an underground conspiracy theorist names Gamit.  But the thing I can't shake is the turtles.. one mother turtle searching for her one baby turtle, frantically searching searching searching.. fearing it's death, it's no return, that it was eaten by a sparrow, morther turtle morphed into a huge blue crane which landed on my right shoulder, ready to attack, I ran with her in search of the baby turtle as she swooped down and attacked a sparrow she believed ate her baby..  yeah it was really bizarre, funny thing it that was probably the only normal part of my dream...  doesn't make sense but I had to write it out.  It was just to weird to forget, and probably could mean a million things.

oh well...
half day, manchester orchestra in the studio, K's graduation, and the shout house with awesome people tonight.  SB here I come!

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