Monday, January 3, 2011

The Blanket Clause

So I think when you move in with someone there should be this unspoken blanket "clause".  One my boyfriend doesn't seem to understand at all.  It's called sharing people and it's the first thing they teach us in kindergarten.  Granted it's hard to understand sharing when you're half asleep and dreaming about god knows what and all you want is to be warm.  Every night I hop into bed, grabbing the edge of my blanket, almost burrito-ing the corners around me as if that will secure it, looking like a blanket bitch.  But on more than one occasion I've been woken up because I'm shivering on the edge of the bed.  Said bf, is totally encased, wads of blanket between his legs and whats left falling sporadically over the opposite side of the bed.  Then I look like the dick tugging and tugging until I wake him up with the tugs and the "ummm" "can I?" "blanket" "cold".  Either way, I'm always the one who looks like the jerk, he's waking up to me pulling the blanket off of him like some crazed blanket whore who can't get enough blanket and wants to leave him in the cold because I need my blanket fix.  The problem is it's tough to remedy this without a bear trap or glue or I dunno, epic sleepwalking blanket battles in the middle of the night.  Harumph. 

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