Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Everyone sounds better on paper.

A million ideas enveloped and died in the back of my brain today.  I had a nightmare about shoes last night.  Fuck.  I recently had a lucid dream.  I awoke and told someone about how I indeed had a lucid dream.  Only to wake up and afterward realize I was dreaming the entire time.  Does that count?  I'm not sure.

Halloween has come and past and I didn't even dress up this year.  Not that it mattered, I had a good Halloween, D.C. was nice, actually at first it reminded me of a clean less crowded version of NYC.  Until, that is, the East coast snobbery reared it's ugly head, that and everything closes at like 4pm.  The monuments were gorgeous though.  It's crazy how something like that can evoke such strong feelings.  A mass of stone and brick can cause you to dig deep into your head. 

Today was kind of weird.. I did NOT want to get up.  8:30am is killing me.  Didn't get home until 6pm only to find out that the republicans took the house.  Double shit.  For some reason the same feeling I got when Bush got re-elected came back.  I wanted to blare music and drown out the news.  On days like these when not much can be done, I just want to bury my head in the sand and weep. 

I really don't want to go to bed, but my back hurts and my boyfriend's warm.. and also taking up the entire bed.. Maybe I'll read a bit of "Never let me go" and then go to bed.  I finished Post Office yesterday and it was great, I've always like Bukowski's style, he cut's the crap which I love, I'm not one to love pages and pages describing a turtle crossing the road.  Sorry Steinbeck.  But my sister recommended this book and since she reads like 5 gazillion times more books than I, I trust her opinion. 

 2010 is beginning to wind down.. and the countdown begins on the by far most whirlwind year of my life. 

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