Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Educate me.

Sitting in a car without my journal for 6 hours really gets you thinking.  I had so many pieces swirling around my head and no where to write them.  One being education.  I was thinking (in my best Rose's head interpretation) "there's so much I don't know, my god I want to learn everything."  And I realized I never want to stop learning.  I just took a social problems class and I'm pretty sure I'm getting a solid B and the sad thing is I'm better than that.  I could have definitely got an A but I was too lazy and too into going out or doing this.  I'm just so apathetic sometimes.  So from now on it's straight A's.  I mean I could school half those morons in the discussions alone and my teacher kind of gave me props a few times :D  But even with that said.. there is more to learn, deeper to delve, and smarts to be gotten.  Sometimes I meet people who just floor me with their brilliance and knowledge and awareness and I feel put to shame.  I absolutely hate when I can't contribute to a conversation because I just don't know or don't know enough..  that's the only thing I miss about the news station.  When I worked there I was so on current evens and local news.  Sadly some of those stories will haunt me forever.  Often I got too involved especially with missing persons or murder cases.  I remember once a woman called and she was sure her son was the one they had found dead outside a convenience store and hadn't identifies yet.      Or the veteran who had me on the phone for twenty minutes telling me how he had tried to commit suicide back in the day.  But I digress.  Back to the subject at hand.  I've heard we only use 1/3 of our brains.  I'd really like to know how to tap into the other parts.  Sometimes I feel like I've been filled to the brim with information and can't remember what I did last Wednesday but I can recite the pythagorean theorem be heart.  I can't find my way through a place where I spent most of my life but I can navigate perfectly through a city I've been to once, in a language I don't know at all. Hmmm.. so many things I don't know, sometimes I think the first step to wisdom is accepting that you'll never be able to know or understand everything but you should never stop trying.

 So I'm off to another country to explore and hopefully learn some more.  More things about history, about culture, and about myself.  I think this trip will be a nice way to end 24 and prepare for 25.  To grow up but slow down.  And to have some quality time with my family before I move O_O.

Asta Luego.

Rosebud :)

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