Thursday, July 29, 2010

I am a gear. I am a spool of thread.

"I want to read and learn and dance and burn."

I was thinking about the line between privacy and publicity today.
Especially on things like blogs.  Facebook.  And Myspace?  Who seriously has one of those these days?
But yeah.  Just thinking about where we draw the line between what we post as public and what we keep private.  That's why I don't really like things like social networking and I've been trying my hardest to distance myself which I'm planning to do the entire time I'm traveling.  I like to personally keep A LOT of my life private, I mean I know I have a blog but rarely do I name names or go on rants about specific people or just say too much about what's going on in my actual actual life.. sort of :/

Why is this?

Because I'd rather people get to really know me know me before they make assumptions about who or what I am.  Believe me, first impressions are only that, often who I think someone is the first time we meet is not who I later find them to be at all or how I come to regard them later in my life.  Most of the people who've made major impacts on my life are people who I'd never imagine being there when we first met.  Although I do believe in gut feelings towards others I think that in order to call someone my friend (and I hope people feel the same about me) is to actually sit down and have a meaningful conversation with them... people just think they know me, when really they don't at all.  Either way I've come to find the people that matter the most aren't the ones I talk to on facebook but the ones I see and talk to in real life every day.  I'm always checking my page, looking at my stuff and wondering does this really encompass "Rose"?  Is this an honest representation of me?  Pictures tell a 2D story.. words are clearly thought out, erased, then rewritten to sound better.  So how can something like this really encapsulate somebody truthfully?  I don't think it can.  We don't post pictures of us when we are crying or we untag the ugly ones.  We brag about something good and rant about something bad just to get some sympathy.

It's social masochism at its finest.

Anyblahs.  I hope being more secretive these days = more sexy.  Off to get stuff donez.

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