Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Memory Doesn't Suck

It’s really crazy how much we can associate with someone else.

I have a scar on my nose from my bf loading a box down to me when we first moved in together.. it scrapped me and it’ll always be there and I’ll never forget it.  Once we accidentally knocked heads and now my nose has a tiny bump too. (that one hurt for a while)  I have a scar on my right arm where a crush had scratched me when I was 13 at summer camp because we were wrestling.  A scar on my left leg that goes straight across from when I went to Fred’s show and a drunk 12 year old rammed into me when he was moshing and pushed me into a piano.  So many songs I tie to people.  Like balloons with strings that are infinity long.  I can’t watch Into the Wild without thinking of another ex.  The city of Tustin will never be the same, fuck that place.  Or NorCo when I drove for two hours home crying the entire time.  Or the time we got high at that party and I pulled my hood down real low and we drove home laughing all the way.  When we ate that entire pizza once.  When you read that poem you wrote about me in the car and we kissed for an hour.  To our spot.  To the bottle of wine I threw off a mountain.  To the time you rested your head on my shoulder when we first met, and I knew it was something special.

I think these things, though painful, now can be accepted and remembered with kindness.  They were right when they said it is better to have love and lost. 

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