Sunday, June 6, 2010

The glass appears to be fully drained.

My horoscope for the weekend began with said statement from above.
And it couldn't be more right.
I think I've just been pushing things I need to face full on out of my head and under a rug.  And it's overspilling.  I guess you just don't realize how things can get to you without you really knowing it.  And then one day it smacks you in the face.

But I don't want to continue to run from things.  I feel most people do.  They find that alcohol cupboard and hide in it until they wake up ten years later and realize they've been running from all their problems all along which has just snowballed into a giant problem monster.  I like to face things head on and deal with it now.  These things that keep me up at night.  That crawl through my mind and don't allow me to sleep.  I just need to figure out how.. writing helps a little.  It was tough going through it alone but sometimes I just need to get through my own head by myself and really think what the problems are why they make me feel that way and what I need to change to improve them.  I'm my own therapist.  And a lot of people's therapist it seems.  For some reason people have always opened up to me.  But I don't really really open up to everyone else.  Maybe because I think half the time my problems are petty compared to other people's.  And really I don't have much to complain about.  But to me, they're really tough.  I think people should stop judging the caliber of other's woes and just realize that to those people it's everything.  I mean, most people are worried about number one at most times.  And there in lies the true reason for conflict to a lot of people, we often forget to think about other's feelings or reactions before we decide to do something or say something.  Yeah we can get a laugh at other's expenses which we often always do.

But to know a man aren't you suppose to walk one thousand miles in their shoes first?

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